In the first instance, please direct your enquiry to Richard, so that he can discuss your project and make a plan tailored precisely to your requirements.
Armiger's Network Modelmakers is a long-established architectural firm with exceptionally skilled model builders. For your bespoke model, we research, design and construct our miniatures using locations, and the finest materials which best suit your needs and audience.
Richard Armiger
Aelbrechtskolk 49
Rotterdam 3025 HB
+31 (0) 6 5146 1622
Modern House Interview
Design Week
Thanks to all our clients, especially:
Catherine and John Pawson CBE, Sir David and Evelyn Chipperfield, Edward Jones and Sir Jeremy Dixon, John McAslan CBE, Dame Zaha Hadid, the late Sebastian de Ferranti and my late great maker friend Jan Kaplicky.
Thanks especially to my long-time chum, the extraordinarily talented photographer Andrew Putler.
Also to Richard Davies, Simon Kennedy, Michael Dyer, Richard Bryant, Gary Withers at Imagination, Nicholas Grace, Victoria & Albert Museum, Roderick Coyne, Teresa Hatton and Angelo Hornak.
Thanks too to our many supporters, craftsmen and women, both past and present.
Reg: VK 67112986
All images and content protected by WIPO world copyright to the modelmaker.
Lastly, huge thanks to the AAA-listers...
Simon and Bernie Hamnell, Mark Pimlott, all at VQ, Abe and Betty, D and K Beau, 'Uncle' Bill Ryan, but most especially, all the Lewises (past, present and future).
to that part of an industry, one that I’ve spent a lifetime loving, helping, promoting, only to witness, just across from my home studio the horrendous Grenfell Fire, a shameful, shameful day.
The many lives lost, my neighbours, especially my friends, my young architects Gloria Trevisan and Marco Gottardi, due to dereliction of duty by the profession.